
Van traffic reaching record highs on UK roads

By 9th June 2021No Comments

2020 has seen record breaking demand for new vans: April saw the highest total new vans registered for the month since records began, and the same was true for May – the highest new van registrations for the month – ever.

This marks the 11th year of consecutive growth for UK van sales, and even as use of other vehicle types on UK roads fell in 2020, the first fall in vehicles on the road since 2009, van numbers grew – and were the only vehicle type to do so.

Read our van driving tips

The change in vehicle types on the road could have complex effects on UK driving behaviour and hazards. Less experienced van drivers especially, of which there are a growing number, could be prone to mistakes because of a lack of familiarisation.

Car drivers too need to be aware of certain risks associated with driving with increased LCV traffic. Vans can pose a visual obstruction, limiting drivers’ ability to anticipate approaching hazards. According to the DVLA and SMMT (Society for Motor Manuf­ac­turers and Traders), more than 80% of vans stopped by the roadside each year are judged to be ‘dangerously overloaded’, which means they pose a tangible hazard to their drivers and fellow road users alike.

What can we do to protect road users as the balance of vehicle types continues to change?

A Vehicle Familiarisation course is an excellent way for new van drivers to get comfortable and acquainted with their trusty new workhorse.

The needs of each company or road user vary wildly, so talk to us at the SHE Show Virtual Connect 2021 Expo and find out what we can do for you.