Read our whitepapers, industry commentary and blogs by the IAM RoadSmart team, and articles on some of the great work we’ve done with our partners.
21st April 2021
Smart motorways: what will ongoing changes mean for drivers?
Smart motorways continue to divide opinion amongst UK motorists. To some, motorways without a permanent…
21st April 2021
Latest RAC data substantiates motorists’ pothole concerns
Published in February, IAM RoadSmart’s latest annual Safety Culture Report, which tracks drivers’ changing attitudes…
1st February 2021
What causes on-road incidents? Here are the most common pairs of contributory factors
For many fleets, the first step to reducing the number of on-road incidents they experience…
8th January 2021
Establishing a fleet safety culture
While the last year has thrown many unexpected situations our way, one thing that remains…
18th December 2020
Watch out for the £70,000 drink this Christmas
IAM RoadSmart has calculated the true cost of a beer or a glass of wine.…
12th November 2020
Are telematics the solution for improving driver behaviour?
Since the launch of the first GPS satellite in the 1970’s, telematics solutions have gone…
6th November 2020
Motorway driving – A new report from Brake
Brake's recent survey finds 52% of drivers are unaware of the rules for using smart…
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