
Free tips video: Managing Distractions

By 12th July 2022July 19th, 2022No Comments

Distractions can be an insidious hazard for drivers, especially for those who spend many hours on the road – distractions can creep in and put drivers in serious danger.

Distractions can come in many forms – we’re all aware of the obvious ones like mobile phones, but other distractions can be subtle, difficult to recognise, and can quickly impair drivers’ ability to properly respond to hazards.

How can you protect yourself against distraction and boost your safety on the road? Watch our video to learn more:

For more videos like this one, as well as some useful tools to help you automatically manage your drivers and fleet risk, consider CHOICES. Choices helps you to truly engage your drivers with topics in a bite size, easy to understand way.

Choices is our online driver risk management portal, which checks licences, delivers e-learning, creates driver profiles, automatically identifies higher-risk drivers and more.

Get in touch to find out more about how Choices can enhance your fleet safety – protecting your people, your assets, and your reputation.