Tips and Blogs

Drink-driving myths

By 10th December 2021December 14th, 2021No Comments

As Christmas approaches, police across the UK have begun their annual clampdown on drink-driving. Forces across the UK have ramped up road presence, traffic stops, and are performing breath and drug testing on drivers suspected of being impaired at the wheel.

During the Christmas season last year, out of just over 50 thousand vehicles stopped, 6,730 drivers were caught drink- or drug-driving, indicating an alarming proportion of impaired drivers on the road.

Let’s look at some key myths that might mislead you, or someone you know, this Christmas.

“I only had one”

It’s impossible to be sure how much you can drink and remain under the limit.

“I didn’t think I’d still be over the limit the next day”

It usually takes at least an hour for each unit of alcohol you’ve consumed to leave your blood stream, and this varies from person to person. If you’ve had a heavy night, don’t risk driving the following morning.

“I won’t be banned if it will cause exceptional hardship”

Exceptional hardship is an argument sometimes used in court to avoid driving bans. If a defendant can show that a ban would cause their family, colleagues, or other people not involved in the offence unfair hardship, the court can show leniency and choose not to give a ban. In the case of drink-driving, however, exceptional hardship cannot be used – no matter how badly affected the defendant’s family would be.

“I had a big meal so should have sobered up”

The only thing that can sober you up after drinking is time.

“I’ve had a drink, but am under the limit so can’t be prosecuted”

Alcohol affects all of us differently, and you might be impaired even though you’re under the legal limit. The police can carry out a Field Impairment Test, and you could face a driving ban if found to be unfit to drive.

“It’s important to remember that an extra drink can come with a huge hidden cost if it pushes you over the limit. That’s why we always recommend #NoneForTheRoad.”

– Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart Director of Policy & Research

For the best safety enhancements for your team, IAM RoadSmart can offer online fleet risk management, virtual classroom learning sessions, and one to one in-car training. To find out what we can do for your organisation, get in touch.

Further reading: see the campaign page on – the £70,000 drink